Legacy Servers Listing the vailable Desktop Types ctivating the Disconnect/Terminate Dialog 18. Profiles Managing Profiles Profile Rules to Forbid Session Types Profile Rules to Limit the Number of Sessions Profile Rules for Services Profile Rules for Features 16. Multimedia and Session Recording Supporting udio and Microphone Recording your Screen 15. Device Sharing, Copy&Paste and File Transfer Connecting Devices Disks Printers USB Devices Network Ports Smartcard Readers Copy and Paste Operations Transferring Files 14. Collaborative Virtual Desktops and Connections to the Physical Desktop Disabling Connections to Virtual Desktops Configuring Interaction Level to Virtual Desktops Configuring uthorization to Connect to Virtual Desktops Connections to Physical Desktop 13. Managing Sessions Setting a Virtual Desktop Environment on Linux ccessing Remote Desktops by RDP ccessing Remote Desktops by VNC Executing Custom Scripts on Server/Node Events 12. Session Management Monitoring Sessions of 77Ĥ 11.2. Users Management Managing Users on the Terminal Server Host Managing Groups of Users Guest Users Connecting with a Privileged System ccount Connecting to Virtual Desktops as a NoMachine Trusted User 11. Using NoMachine DBs for Managing User ccess 10. Connecting to a Server Behind a Firewall (UPnP Port Mapping) 9.6. Locking Down the ccepted uthentication Methods 9.3. Defining Protocols in Server Configuration 9.2.

Supported Connection Protocols and uthentication Methods 9.1. Greeting Messages (for Virtual Desktops) 9. Handling with Discovering of this Server on LN 8. Hiding the Whiteboard and Chat Tools 7.7. Hiding the NoMachine Monitor and Notification Messages 7.6. Stopping and Starting Network Services 7.4. Stopping and Starting Terminal Server and Services 7.3. Supporting OpenGL pplications in Virtual Session Terminal Server's dministration 6. The X11 Vector Graphics Mode in Client Sessions 5.4. Video Streaming Encoding in Client Sessions 5.3. Video Streaming Encoding in Web Sessions of 77ģ 5.2. Compression Techniques and Optimizations 5.1. Web Optimizations: Using WebRTC (Real-Time Web Communication) 5. Using an lternative pache Web Server 4.5. Managing the Web Server (Start and Stop and Listen Ports) 4.4. Hiding the Tutorial Wizard at Web Session Startup 4.3. The Section "Server" (Web Player to Server Connection) 4.2. utomatic Reconnection of Client and Web Browser Configurations and Optimizations 4.

Preventing Users from Storing their Credentials 3.4. Connecting by Browsers Via Terminal Server Web Tools 3.2. Initiating a NoMachine Connection (end-user's side) 3.1. ctivating the License (for Customers) Connect to the Terminal Server 3. 1 NoMachine Terminal Server - Installation and Configuration Guide of 77Ģ Table of Contents Introduction bout This Guide How to set-up the Terminal Server 2.