That fit yields values for the average source strength K 0 = W geom ν m In g T H /µ, which are listed for the three cases shown in Table 1. The theoretical curves were fit to the data by eye, by requiring the model flux at 3 × 10 19 eV to provide the whole intensity at this energy. The three theoretical curves are for differing assumed equatorial ellipticities of the neutron stars: ǫ = 0 ("no GR") ǫ = 10 −2 ("moderate GR") ǫ = 10 −1 ("strong GR"). The experimental data are from Nagano and Watson's (2000) summary except for the data from the Hi-Res (monocular) results, which are taken from Abu-Zayyad et al.

The Auger experiment should see such bursts every few years.Ĭomparison of bare magnetar theory to UHECR data. Such bursts of gravitational radiation should correlate with bursts of ultra-high energy particles. I show that the relativistic winds of newly born magnetars with khz initial spin rates, occurring in all normal galaxies, can accelerate ultrarelativistic light ions with an E^.